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2021: Keeping Up the Balance

 Remember in February last year when we were still felt comfortable at the grocery store, and we could still go to the movies?  Remember staying at the office late and then have to run a couple of errands on the way home, and then make dinner and clean up?

Do we even miss those days anymore?

If 2020 did anything for me it help me set my priorities.  It wasn't important to stop at the grocery store to buy parley to garnish a Tuesday night dinner.  That seems silly now.  Having time to linger over that dinner and enjoy some catch up time was way more important. 

In that spirit, as you know I don't do resolutions, I set goals for the new year, and the most important goals is to continue to tap until creating that balance.  It's weird because I miss my family, and it has been terrible not seeing anyone since June.  But, at the same time I feel like I'm accomplishing goals that I have always wanted to.  I feel happy in a terrible situation.  It's a strange situation.

Other goals that I have set for my self this year includes.

1.  Reading More.  I miss books.  I will try to read books, other than cookbooks.  If you have any suggestions, please let me reach out, I like historical non-fiction.

2.  Take better care of my skin.  My sensitive skin is struggling with all the hand sanitizer.  I am implementing a skin care routine, effective immediately.  

3.  Realistic Goal Setting.  For example, I'm not going to believe that I can wash, dry, fold and put away 3 loads of laundry on a Monday night.  

4.  Delegate More.  I have a habit of thinking that no one can do something as good as I can.  I have discovered through this pandemic, that it does not matter how the towels are folded, only that they are clean, and put away.  I am going to embrace this!

That is really it.  I feel like 2021 will be very similar to 2020 only in reverse.  We will start to go back to the way things were in February 2020, only we need to hold on to the changes that made us happy.

xo ~ Cyn



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